Bitforex/CUC AMA; Questions, Answers and Winners

As we announced, yesterday we had a really lovely event, the so-called CUC AMA, Ask Questions to Share $500 Worth of CUC Prize Pool!

The event started with a short presentation of the guests, our members, Stjepan Kalinić, marketing coordinator, and Mario Urlić, Cuprum Coin founder, owner, and CEO.
After the event started, event manager HAZEL asked 6 questions, one by one, which was answered by our Stjepan and Mario in combination. At that time, group members could not participate.
After that part was finished, the questions of all the members were released and to our surprise, there were thousands of questions.
Our members had to choose the 10 most interesting questions. Of course, it was impossible to review all, so they selected 10 of the most relevant.

The goal of this event was to spread the word about our Cuprum Coin and provide clarifications of the concept and project so that the word continues to spread further among the crypto community. Also, we wanted to introduce the crypto fans to the regular trading that starts on August 16.
If you missed the event, here are the most interesting details; questions, answers, and winners.

CUC AMA – August 12

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