The Cuprum Coin team has started approving CUC withdrawals to the Bitforex exchange

Transfering CUC to Bitforex exchange

Dear users and fans of Cuprum Coin,

Just an hour after we wrote that our development and technical teams are still working on the system to transfer CUCs to the Bitforex exchange, we can confirm that the system is ready and our team has started approving your withdrawals.

You can also track your transactions through Cuprum Coin Explorer.

We thank you for your patience and please check the terms before opening a withdrawal order. Please go through all the answers to your possible questions in detail, because our team will not answer questions that have already been answered.

If your CUC did not arrive at the exchange after approval, but went through our CUC blockchain explorer, check with the exchange where is the problem? Use the so-called “Operation Hash” (TXiD) from the transaction details to prove them how the transaction was conducted properly.

Best regards and good luck on the market!

CUPRUM COIN, The Cryptocurrency of the Future

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